Research & Development

    CDC supports its unique capabilities in Assessment and Rehabilitation through a strong commitment to Research and Development.

    We have guided various projects at graduate and post-graduate level in the field of NDT, Concrete Technology, Repair & Rehabilitation as well as Structural Engineering.

    In addition, CDC conducts experimental feasibility studies for clients with immediate needs for innovative techniques and novel structural solutions.

    Carried out extensive R & D in NDT , Concrete Technology & Testing. Developed / established number of correction / co-relation factors, equations etc. such as –

  • Correlation between UPV and compressive strength of concrete on more than 75,000 cube and core samples.
  • Correlation between Rebound hammer and strength of concrete on more than 75,000 cube and core samples.
  • Moisture correction factor for UPV for concrete on more than 5,000 cube and core samples.
  • Moisture correction factor for Rebound hammer for concrete.
  • Age factor for UPV for concrete.
  • Age factor for Rebound hammer for concrete.
  • Co-relation between Direct, Semi-Direct and in-direct UPV method on more than 2000 cube, beam and site members samples.
  • Co-relation of pulse velocity of 825 cube samples of various grades and % crushing load (Stress factor).
  • Co-relation of pulse velocity of 5,000 core samples and site members (Site Stress factor).
  • Effects of capping material on core strength.
  • Correction factors for h/d ratio for various grades of concrete for core strength.
  • Correction factors for diameters for core strength.
  • Correlation between timber UPV and compressive strength, modulus of rupture of timber across parallel and perpendicular directions.
  • Correlation between UPV , Rebound hammer and quality of various species of timber.
  • Correlation between Rebound hammer and strength of bricks.
  • Correlation between Rebound hammer and strength of Lime and Cement mortars on more than 1500 cube samples.
  • Strength gain factors for OPC and various blended cements.
  • Effect of rate of loading on strength of concrete cubes.
  • Correlation of accelerated curing and standard curing of concrete for various types of cements.
  • Effectiveness of migrating corrosion inhibitors.
  • Casted various reference test blocks for calibration and measurements for various tests like Rebar locator, Half-cell potential tests, GPR, Pile integrity test etc. Probably these are the only such test blocks available in Asia.