Concrete Technology – Duration – ½ Day +
- Grades of Cement
- Supplementary Cementatious materials such as Fly ash, GGBS, Silica fumes,
- Properties of fine & Coarse Aggregates
- Factors affecting mix design and concrete strength
- Site corrections for mix design,
- w/c ratio,
- RMC,
- Tests on fresh concrete,
- Concrete mixing,
- Weigh batcher calibration,
Concrete Mix Design – Duration – ½ Day+
- Concrete making materials – Cement, Fly ash, GGBS, Micro Silica, Metakaolin, Fine & Coarse Aggregate, Water and Construction Chemicals
- Properties of fresh & hardened concrete – Workability, Compressive strength and Durability
- Principals of Mix Design
- Various methods of Mix Design
Add on Module – Mix Design – Laboratory Demo – Duration – ½ Day+
- Standard Concrete Mix Design
- Self – Compacting Concrete Mix Design
Quality control of RCC work – Duration – ½ Day+
- Formwork, stripping time
- Batching, Placing, Vibration
- Cold and construction joints
- Curing
- Material storage planning
- Reinforcement detailing
- Shrinkage cracks in concrete
- Quality assurance plan
- Quality construction tips
Non Destructive Testing – Duration – 1 Day+
- Every ND test covering basic theory , principles on which instruments are based, Test application, factors affecting tests, Advantages and limitation of each test such as –
- Rebound Hammer, Penetration Test, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, Impact Echo, Reinforcement Detection and cover meters, Half-Cell Potential Test, Concrete Resistivity Test, Radar, Core Test, Pull out test , Pull off Test , Break off test, Permeability test, Carbonation Test, Pile Integrity Test, Crack scope, Bore scope, Radiographic Tests, Maturity Test, Load Test, Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge test
- Field Practical work – Rebound Hammer, UPV, Half-Cell Potential Test, Resistivity Test, Core extraction, Pile Integrity Test , Carbonation Test
- Films on NDT
- Presentation of various Case studies
Add on Module – Non Destructive Testing – Interpretation – Duration – ½ Day+
- Procedure for Structural Evaluation
- Acceptance of Testing & Investigation
- NDT results accuracy & Reliability
- Factors affecting ND tests
- Understanding Concrete strength as per IS / BS and EN codes
- Case studies
Basics of Earthquake Engineering for Site Engineers & Architects- Duration – 1 Day+
- Tectonic Plate theory
- Earthquake Intensity & Magnitude
- Behaviour of Multi Storey RCC buildings under earthquake loads with Shear walls,
- Behaviour of Soft (Parking) storey,
- Behaviour of Floating Columns,
- Earthquake Design Philosophy
- Building configuration & Complex building shapes, /li>
- Effect of short columns, Pounding
- Behaviour of Pre-cast members
- Learning from failures – Latur, Bhuj & World’s major Earthquakes
- Reinforcement detailing
- Behavior of Building of Different type of Strata
- Liquefaction
- Basics of Retrofitting / Seismic strengthening / Upgradation of existing deficient structures
- Films on Earthquake
Add on Module Earthquake Retrofitting – Duration – ½ Day+
- National Disaster Management Act 2007 – Salient features
- Seismic Rehabilitation Methodology
- Condition Survey
- Selection of Rehabilitation System
- Methods of Strengthening & Retrofitting,
- Case Study,
Basics of Structural Engineering for Site Engineers & Architects – Duration – 2 Day+
- Materials – Steel – HYSD / TMT,
- Durability of concrete,
- IS – 456 Requirements,
- Fire provisions
- Method of design,
- Loads & forces
- Stability of structures,
- Basics of Bending moment and shear force,
- Partial safety factors,
- Steps in structural planning
- Basics of Beam, Slab, Column and Footing design
- Bearing capacity
- Reinforcement detailing – standard / Earthquake, Splicing of reinforcement
- Expansion, construction joints,
- Basics of Flat slabs constructions,
- Behaviour of Multi-storey buildings,
- Design assumption vis-à-vis site conditions,
- Cracks in RCC structural / building,
- Testing of concrete , steel and structure , Non Destructive tests,
- Acceptance criteria for various tests,
- Learning from failures,
Structural Audit – Duration – 1 Day+
- Why & When
- Data Collection
- Types of Structures
- Load Assessment
- Audit of Structural steel structures & RCC buildings ( Old & New )
- Design Assumptions and actual site conditions
- Additions & Alterations in structures
- Structural Damages
- Structural Deficiencies & Cracks in structures
- Settlement , Corrosion , Leakages & Utility services problems
- Identification of other problems in the building
- Wrong Construction practices & Deficiencies in new constructions
- Case Studies of “learning from failures”
RMC Quality Assurance – Duration – 1 Day+
- Need of RMC
- RMC Industry – An Overview
- Type of Batching plants, Pan Mixers, Transit Mixers, Pumps , Placing booms etc
- Concrete Properties
- QMS in RMC Plants
- Benefits of Management System to RMC Operators
- Product Realisation
- Sampling & Tests of fresh & Hardened concrete
- Acceptance criteria
- Parameters affecting Quality of Concrete
- Quality of Raw Material
- Quality Control Plan – Storage, Batching, Mixing,
- Machinery Maintenance,
Cracks in Structures and Remedial Measures – Duration – 1 Day +
- Forces acting on structures
- Types of cracks in concrete structures –
- Structural – Flexure, Shear, Torsion, Compression, Tension, Settlement, Corrosion
- Non-Structural Cracks – Shrinkage , Thermal, Separation
- Controlled Cracks
- Expansion , Contraction joints
- Causes of distress and deterioration of RC structures
- Crack Repair Measure – Materials and Techniques
Various ½ day Modules can be combined together
Tailor made programs available on above topics to meet the construction industry requirement