Moisture is know to be one of the main source causing deterioration of masonry and timber structures. To identify the source of leakages and dampness moisture meters are very helpful. If the concrete, masonry , timber structures are found to be wet, then appropriate repairs can be carried out to avoid further decay / deterioration of the material and structure as a whole.
Principle & Procedure
The unit has two modes of operation the pin mode, and search mode. In the pin mode, two pins are pushed into the material and a high frequency field is created between these two pins. In the search mode the unit uses a high frequency capacitive sensor to sample a large volume of the material, instantaneously. Changes in this electromagnetic field are directly proportional to the dielectric constant of the material through which it passes. As the dielectric constant of water is almost two orders of magnitude greater than most non-metallic materials, variations in this parameter can be correlated to the moisture content. After extensive testing of various materials, relationships between the change in this field and moisture content have been determined. These relationships have been digitized and implemented using the latest in micro-computer technology, thereby allowing the user the direct readout of moisture content for concrete, masonry, hard wood, soft wood, gypsum, and brick. The pin method has been found to be most effective in low density materials such
as fir wood or pine wood. The search mode has been found to be most effective for higher density materials such as brick, masonry, gypsum and concrete.
The moisture content in the hardened concrete or timber can be measured by meter within depth of about 25 to 30 mm.
The moisture measurement is mainly conducted for :-
- Locate leaking pipes in walls & floors.
- Locate seeping water in basements & masonry tanks.
- Check moisture level of material before applying coatings or adhesives
- Curing condition of wood, stucco, and other construction materials.